Hey there! I know that I said that I will be taking a step back, but I'm obsessed with this. Forgive me. This one is not going to be about stocks, I'm not going to bore you. I am going to give you an update of where I'm at along in my Trading Journey. As you may know from the last post, I was expecting to Trade with a Monetary account. The plan was to use a portion of the Financial Aid in order to open a live monetary account. If you don't know for the past 56 weeks I've been growing my Knowledge account. Studying and Paper Trading and back testing. I have given this my life for the past 56 weeks and yet I have nothing to show for it. That is where I am at. I did not receive the amount that I was expecting, meaning that I will not open up a live account, Meaning I will not open up an account likely until late January of 2020. Forgive me, but it's very emotional. It feels like every time I am closer I get pushed back. I really don't know what I am going to do. I mean it is going to be very difficult over the next couple of months. I'm getting tears just thinking about it. See 56 WEEKS ago I could have opened an account with the money I'd saved that summer, but did not want to end up like a statistic. I took the long haul. I never got into this game thinking about how much money I could make. I just was hooked about the game. I was OBSESSED. All I want to is TRADE. And right when I'm knocking on the door, I get pushed back. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I must honor the struggle, embrace the suck as they would call it. I know that I can do it. I've outlasted the first year without making a single dime, See one thing about Entrepreneurs is that they are willing to work for free. I am willing to wait a little longer for the end goal. I must remind myself that I am only 20 Years age, I have my entire life ahead of me. I just got off the phone with my Mother. She told me too put things into perspective, I have everything going for me. She's right. I'm a lot closer to the goal than I was 56 weeks ago. It was hard to tell her that I just want to trade. It is hard to tell her that the reason I got into trading was for them. Every day I see myself on top of the Summit, but I understand that to reach that point you must endure the climb. Over the next couple of Months will be by far the hardest climb yet in my Journey. I am not going anywhere! I am still going to be immersed with the Markets. So what the game plan? I will save that for this Sunday's Recap. Again I make it work as Tim Gun would say. I'll see you soon, have a great week!

Update: In a couple of days I will be returning to Texas State. I am gratefull for many things I have in my life. It is going to be very difficult. I can't ley my parents down. They know that Trading is my life, and understand my view about College. I understand that I must have a backup plan. I know that the end will be worth it. Take it day by day, and sooner I will be at the point. To my family, I love you with all my heart. During rough times, I just remember why I got into trading. For yall.
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