Hey there! I thank you for taking your time too read this. Overall this past week has been one to remember to say the least. Today I took my largest loss to date, roughly an 11k loss. I take full responsibility for the result, I will not blame the Market. It is my fault, I broke the rules that have ingrained in my head over the past 55 weeks. I was Greedy, therefore the Market humbled me. Understand that at one point on $RKDA I was up roughly 2k. I did not lock it in, simply because I wanted more. I did not lock in profits as the Market made money available to me. Instead, I ADDED to my losses, I Averaged up. Doing so through my risk-reward off. Remember that is is always easier to get back in that it is too get out. Overall there is a lot to talk about $RKDA, which is why I encourage you to check out the video recap below. I did not manage to record a recap sadly. I will comeback, see you soon.
$RKDA Daily |
What the ODDS said:
- Don't Short a Float Stock on the First Green Day
- Don't hold a Short if the major support zones hold into the close
- Don't ADD to Losers
- Don't Revenge Trade
- Don't Be Greedy / Cocky
- Don't trade with EGO ( Fuck your EGO, the Market does not give a dam )
- Don't hold a position into Earnings.
Update: The past 55 weeks have been an absolute blast, to say the least. This past month I have been contemplating to take a week or two away from the Markets. Understand that I have been immersed for 55 weeks. I just don't feel right, I can't explain it in words, but perhaps the video recap will help. Perhaps I should have done it earlier, but the main reason for my pushing it off is that I am afraid to not be in sync with the Markets. It's my lifestyle. I'm afraid that I will forget all the knowledge which I attained over the past 55 weeks. Majority of my peers believe that I indeed should take a break. Which leads me too saying that this will be the last post for a while. Perhaps 1 or 2 Weeks. Again I do intend to open an account an E-Trade or Trade Zero soon. The next time I trade, I expect it to be with real money. Yes, the 11k loss was virtual cash, but I treat it like a business. This one loss wiped out the vast majority of my July Trades. I just need to recharge and relax. The next week I do intend to do that. NO Screen Time. Just normal life. Believe me, it is going to be harder than you'd think. This is my life, sounds pathetic I know. I can do it, just for 2 weeks. We will see how the results turn out. Enjoy the rest of August. I will be back soon. Don't worry about me, I still got it. I am only 20 years of age. I'm just experiencing some turbulence right now. See you soon. I must try. If I don't put my efforts out in the universe how will I be rewarded? It's time to find out.
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