Destructive calls on $ACST

 What a way to close out July! Overall this past month has been an absolute amazing to say the least. I will do a Monthly recap this Saturday, which will go over what my next couple of months will look like. School is around the corner, and sadly Summer is almost over. Time sure does fly by. Today was a gift. If you read the blog post yesterday or watched the video recap you would know why. $ACST did have that major pullback that I was aiming for. Unfortunately I was not in front of the screen to take a trade, but that's fine. I was on the right track. I was upset at first, but I must remind myself that the same pattern will emerge simply because human nature never changes. Yesterday I paid roughly $400 to the Markets. Today I could have made roughly 3k, but that's fine. Understand that in the long run, it's negligible. What matters is that I build my knowledge account and my experience. Overall there is a lot to discuss. Check out the video recap below. Have a Great Night!

$ACST 6 Month

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