Scan for June 4th 2019 "20th B-Day"

 Hey there! What an amazing day in the Markets. There was a ton of opportunities that were presented. As I always say you must find your personality as a Trader. Focus on a few Patterns and Exploit them. Well, today is the last day I will be 19. My 20th Birthday it Tomorrow. I thank you, Lord, for getting me to this point in my Trading Journey. 

 To my Family: I don't know when you will read this. This is meant for my Family. I never decided to become a Trader, I simply just never stopped Learning. I am obsessed with this game. I don't know where I will be one year from today, but I know you will be there with me. 

 The goal is not More Money, it's finical Freedom. 

I love you. Live.Love.Matter
The Greatest gift will always be you. 

It took everything I had.

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